SBL2EXA is hanging

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SBL2EXA is hanging

Post by abbu2390 »

I just load basic application with commenting assign_stdio(0) and using writestring() instead after loading devices is not detecting .. what is the reason?? and is recovery processes same as sbl2ex?? here im basic code

void UserMain(void * pd) {
// assign_stdio(0);

#ifndef _DEBUG

writestring(0, "Application started\n");
while (1) {
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Re: SBL2EXA is hanging

Post by TomNB »


I'm not quite sure why you would need to comment out the stdio assignment. Looking at your past tickets, I think it would be a great help to you to open a support ticket on the netburner company development support site for some overall pointers and suggestions on how the device works and the beat way to accomplish your goal (with a clear explanation of what it is you are trying to accomplish). The recovers should be the same, but the support people can help you through that as well. Also, it will help to always describe what you mean by non responsive in that ticket.
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