Nano Carrier Board Rec 1.0. P2 & P3 are off cetnter

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Nano Carrier Board Rec 1.0. P2 & P3 are off cetnter

Post by seulater »

We received our kit in today and noticed that P2 & P3 are not on .1" centers from one another.
We are going to make a board that will plug into the P2 & P3 of the Nano Carrier board. Before we send out this board we would like to know if you plan on keeping these where they are at on the next rev board, or will you be moving them to 0.1" centers from one another ?

NB, can you let us know what are your plans for the next rev spin.
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Re: Nano Carrier Board Rec 1.0. P2 & P3 are off cetnter

Post by BBAdmin »


Using a dev board in a product has come up with a few customers, so this is a good question. We really really really appreciate everyone who uses our products and always want to do whats best and fair, so please take what we're about to say with that in mind. It is definitely not a good idea to use a development board in a product for two very important reasons:

First, the purpose of any development board is to demonstrate the features of a company's production product. In our case the products are network modules. A development board can change in size or function at any time as new ideas and features are introduced. A development board is not indended or designed for production and no notifications are sent for these changes. We do not provide any drawings or mechanicals for this reason. Historically, all of our development boards have major changes for things like flash cards, usb, can bus, 485 and a/d. A major concern here is that if we move things around there may be mechanical interference for your board that plugs into it, or even a change in connectors.

Second, our business model is to sell the development kits near cost to try and achieve production module design wins. We are not able to sell development boards to customers at such a low cost for any other purpose than to evaluate a module, usually one or two kits per customer.

However, if you really do want to use one of our development boards in your product there are two options:

1. We will provide the gerbers and bill of material at no charge so you may produce the development board yourself. This also provides you complete version control even if we make changes for kits.

2. We can sell you development boards at higher price that would provide us standard margins. This is not as safe as #1 because our development boards may change.

I hope this seems fair and makes business sense to you as well. And again, we really appreciate you using our products.
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