I just bought a SNMP licence and I did run again the installer and it add a snmp directory under C:\nburn\examples\snmp, but when I tried to run the example on C:\nburn\examples\snmp\simplesnmp\main.cpp the NBEclipseIDE Rel. 2.5.2 throw me 8 errors like this:
Code: Select all
Description Resource Path Location Type
undefined reference to `ASN::FixUpHeader()' main.cpp snmp000 line 161 C/C++ Problem
undefined reference to `ASN::FixUpHeader()' main.cpp snmp000 line 167 C/C++ Problem
undefined reference to `ASN::PutHeader(unsigned char)' main.cpp snmp000 line 156 C/C++
undefined reference to `ASN::PutOctetString(char const*)' main.cpp snmp000 line 159 C/C++
undefined reference to `ASN::PutOidFromString(char const*)' main.cpp snmp000 line
158 C/C++ Problem
undefined reference to `DumpTree(int)' main.cpp snmp000 line 209 C/C++ Problem
undefined reference to `SnmpTrapWithData(unsigned long, char const*, int, int, void
(*)(ASN*))' main.cpp snmp000 line 176 C/C++ Problem
undefined reference to `StartSnmpProcessor(int)' main.cpp snmp000 line 308 C/C++ Problem
I think it is because in the .h files there are only the function prototypes, and not the implementation itself. I wonder if I need to link or include some other things. I looked for some PDF documentation about SNMP but it seems there is not one in my 'Netburner NNDK' directory. What is wrong? Do I need to somehow re-build the SNMP libs for Windows or something?
I am using NBEclipseIDE Rel. 2.5.2 on Windows Vista and I need to build an agent-trap SNMP over Netburner SB70LC board.
Please someone help me.