Visual Lint for Eclipse - One day deal tomorrow 3/26/2011

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Visual Lint for Eclipse - One day deal tomorrow 3/26/2011

Post by tod »

For the past couple of weeks I have been beta testing Visual Lint for Eclipse from Riverblade. Tomorrow they have a bits du jour promotion that offers the tool for half price. If you've been thinking about using Lint or are already using it you will want to check this tool out. I have lint working without this tool but I never could get the console output formatted in a way that lets me click an error and jump to that line of the code. I'm willing to spend the $99 just to get that feature. It may sound silly but that little time savings can really add up and makes using lint that much more pleasant. There's also a nice toolbar, and automated management of testing the entire proejct. The normal price for the standard edition of this tool will be $199. If you own lint but don't have it integrated into Eclipse yet, this tool can save you some time. They have a wizard that walks you through the setup process. They also create a custom .lnt file for each project that analyzes your include file requirements and automatically informs lint about it.

This tool DOES NOT INCLUDE LINT. It also works with code checkers other than Lint but I haven't tried them. I have only used this with Gimpel's PC lint. PC Lint costs about $400.

Visual Lint comes in multiple flavors, but for me the two more advanced pricing tiers are just too expensive for what you get. The one feature that Visual Lint still lacks (and of course I want it in the standard edition) is the ability to add lint exceptions directly from the results pane. If you have any interest, you can download a trial today but you'll have to make a quick decision if you want to get the product at discount tomorrow. I'm seeing some anomalies in my use of Visual Lint so there are still some bugs in my version that need to be worked out. I would consider the Eclipse version still a work in progress.

I know this posting is somewhat spam like but I just thought the deal was pretty good and might benefit some other NetBurner developers out there. Also Riverblade has been nice enough to try and make this work specficially for NetBurner developers.
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