Webpage displayed is different from index.htm file
Webpage displayed is different from index.htm file
Hey everyone. I have modified my index.htm file, and in the project as well as in my workspace when I open the file I see my changes. I have rebuilt my project but when I run it, I get a webpage from an example I ran last week. I have also run other examples since then and used the functioning webpages. Any suggestions of what could be happening?
Re: Webpage displayed is different from index.htm file
This is not a hard mistake to make. There are a couple of troubleshooting approaches. Do a "clean" on your project to make sure the old comphtml.cpp file is gone. Then rebuild. I have noticed a few quirks in the Eclipse automated build process but usually it is related to changing .js or .css files. I find I have to go "touch" an .html file (I usually insert a space). This forces Eclipse to rebuild the comphtml file and is faster than a clean/rebuild cycle. Check your directory to make sure you index.htm file is where you expect it to be and finally check the date/time of the _APP.s19 file you are loading to make sure the file you are loading is the file you are building. The most common mistake is probably to do a Debug build and then load the release version, or to build the release then load the debug. If you manually delete your .s19 files it makes it really obvious when you go to load a non-existent file.