MODM7AE70: How to set up as SPI slave?

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MODM7AE70: How to set up as SPI slave?

Post by KE5FX »

A few questions --

1) What's the difference between DSPIModule, QSPIModule, and plain old SPIModule? This is never really articulated in any docs or examples as far as I can tell. Yes, the nominal difference is the number of data lines that can be used, but the examples all seem to use only one data line anyway. For applications with only one data line, which of these classes should be used?

2) Should the DSPIMux example work on the MODM7AE70? There seems to be a separate dedicated example for it using QSPI, but the pin assignments are completely different.

3) Has the examples\PlatformSpecific\MODM7AE70\SPI\Serial2SPI\QuadSPIModule demo program actually been tested on MODM7AE70? I don't see any echoed characters coming back in the term program, despite connecting P2[43] with P2[47] on the DEV-70/100 carrier board as suggested.

4) In general, should I expect a slave-mode-only application to work, using the Rx() method in any of the available classes?

I'm using the current version of NNDK (3.3).
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Re: MODM7AE70: How to set up as SPI slave?

Post by TomNB »

Hello KE5FX,

Just to confirm, which platform are you using? The MODM7AE70? If so, the example, \nburn\examples\PlatformSpecific\MODM7AE70\SPI\Serial2SPI definitely works. It may be that you are on UART0 instead of UART1?
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Re: MODM7AE70: How to set up as SPI slave?

Post by KE5FX »

Yes, MODM7AE70 on the carrier board. Just as an exercise, can you try to run the QuadSPIModule demo with P2[43] jumpered to P2[47] and verify that typed characters are echoed back?

I'm using the USB connection provided by the carrier board, whichever UART that is.

(Not urgent, as I've already switched to an FPGA board to grab the SPI data I needed.)
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Re: MODM7AE70: How to set up as SPI slave?

Post by TomNB »


Thanks for the information. The uart is the issue. The USB is UART0, whereas the example program handles data on UART1, and leaves UART0 open for status messages as a debug port. So you can either use a USB to serial adapter for the UART1 DB9, or modify the program to handle the data on UART0 (the USB UART).
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