Cp1252 character encoding error.

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Cp1252 character encoding error.

Post by rfmatchguy »

I cut and pasted the code from the 'Mod5270 Programmable Interrupt Timer application note' into Eclipse to compile it and it returns a 'Save could not be completed. Reason: Some characters cannot be mapped using "CP1252" character encoding. Either change the encoding or remove the the characters which are not supported by the "CP1252" character encoding."

I tried pasting into other applications like mail and selecting plain text and then re-pasting into Eclipse, but still Eclipse is not happy. I tried to ftp into Netburner to look for the code, but my Netburner account login and password doesn't seem let me in. Google fails me too...

Anyone got any ideas how to solve this without typing in the whole example by hand?
I'm moving stepper motors for my class project and was hoping to set up the timer to call a function to step my motors at a fast somewhat controlled pace....
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Re: Cp1252 character encoding error.

Post by Forrest »

It might be that your PDF reader is inserting some weird ascii into the document for formatting. Try using a differnt PDF reader. Or, try pasting into MS word using "Paste Special" and select the option to removing the formatting. Then copy and paste from word to NBEclipse.

Weird, I never thought I would recommend pasting source code into MS Word.
Forrest Stanley
Project Engineer
NetBurner, Inc

NetBurner Learn Articles: http://www.netburner.com/learn
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