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Autoupdate Corruption
Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 1:03 pm
by chrispol
Everytime i use autoupdate i get the following upon reboot
Waiting 4sec to start 'A' to abort
Trap occured
Vector=Access Error FMT =03 SR =2708 FS =0C
Faulted PC = FFC03E7A
D0:00003900 00003907 00000003 FFC1EA46 02000000 020B6628 91C61551 13B010F5
A0:FFC0855D 01FFCF13 0200081A 2000FE3C 00000020 02007390 2000FE20 2000FE00
Waiting 4sec to start 'A' to abort
then i nfla the same file and i'm running fine
using a mod5282 v1.13 dec 6 2005, windows 7 64 bit and windows 7 32 bit
this is driving me nuts, anyone have a solution?
FFC00000 to FFC03FFF The boot monitor code
So the faulting is happening in the boot monitor......
Re: Autoupdate Corruption
Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 2:33 pm
by lgitlitz
This is an unusual problem. It sounds like there is some sort of problem when the CPU tries to write flash while in your application. The monitor code to write flash is completely independent and would not be effected. Try writing to the user parameter space and verifying the data. These use the same low level flash programming functions as Auto-Update. C:\nburn\examples\SaveUserParameters\main.cpp
There are a few other things I can think of that may affect writing to flash from your application. Are you using any of the special Auto-Update callback functions? Are you using a watchdog timer? Have you modified the flash erase or program functions in bsp.c? Have you changed any of the CPU clock settings or are you using any low-power/stop-mode features? Is this failure happening in a NetBurner dev-board or custom hardware?
Re: Autoupdate Corruption
Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:42 am
by chrispol
lgitlitz wrote:There are a few other things I can think of that may affect writing to flash from your application. Are you using any of the special Auto-Update callback functions? Are you using a watchdog timer? Have you modified the flash erase or program functions in bsp.c? Have you changed any of the CPU clock settings or are you using any low-power/stop-mode features? Is this failure happening in a NetBurner dev-board or custom hardware?
Stock ndk, simple program using 2 tasks and 1 interrupt, custom hardware but i could throw it on the dev board.
When using nfla i see alot of retry errors, sometimes it says completed and fails to checksum error, othertimes it just fails and sometimes it works.
Re: Autoupdate Corruption
Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:53 am
by v8dave
Try it in the dev board and if this is fine, suspect the power supplies on your custom board as a start. I assume you have all 3V3 inputs connected to power?
Have you got anything on the databus lines that could be active when not addressed?
Re: Autoupdate Corruption
Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:57 am
by chrispol
Ok well was going to try some of my other netburners, but the network lights do not come on, if i do a er the lights flash on then off but i never get a network connection, pc says network cable unplugged, and it is plugged on i get this issue on 2 mod5282's rev 1.01's
Netburner MOD5282 Monitor V1.13 Dec 6 2005 14:35:59
HELP for help
*****************************************************************Starting addres
s = 02000000
Waiting 4sec to start 'A' to abort
Error Checksum Fail
No Valid app
Netburner MOD5282 Monitor V1.13 Dec 6 2005 14:35:59
HELP for help
Re: Autoupdate Corruption
Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 6:12 am
by chrispol
tried another app that was compiled a long time ago different sdk version and flashing works fine with autoupdate, same board just different application...
Sdk v 2_5_2
Code: Select all
#include "predef.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <startnet.h>
#include <autoupdate.h>
extern "C"
void UserMain(void * pd);
const char * AppName="Test";
void UserMain(void * pd)
iprintf("Application started\n");
while (1)
nfla works like a charm
then i autoupdate and i get a trap at FFC03E7A
can reproduce this 100 times........
i'd try it on my other 2 netburners but the network does not seem to want to work on them ....
Re: Autoupdate Corruption
Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 9:04 am
by rnixon
The network connectivity will only work if you are running a valid application that supports networking. The monitor can only do ntftp. If you do a serial download of the factory app .s19 file on your custom board, can you then do an autoupdate of the factory app again? If so, you have an app or h/w that may be interfering. Running in the netburner dev board is the best test.
The app you run can certainly affect whether or not autoupdate can work, and well as external hardware. Exactly what signals do you use on your custom board? Do you use the address or data bus?