LM2676-3.3 Circuit failures, the magic smoke is escaping.
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:32 pm
For both my MOD5234 and MOD5213 3.3V supplies I've been using a circuit pretty similar to the one on the MOD5234 Dev Board. It has a LM2676-3.3 switching regulator, inductor, a few caps and a diode. I ran the design through National Semis web-based design program and used their values and have had pretty good luck with it, but not a perfect as I need.
Occasionally the diode, a 1N5819, rated 1A, 50V, will fail short. It sometimes happens during an accidental overload (my shaky hands have trouble probing these small chips), other times there seems to be no reason, but smoke ensues. This usually causes the voltage to go out of regulation, often high, and destroys various things, like MOD5234s.
Anyone else using this circuit who has a recommendation for a better diode?
Occasionally the diode, a 1N5819, rated 1A, 50V, will fail short. It sometimes happens during an accidental overload (my shaky hands have trouble probing these small chips), other times there seems to be no reason, but smoke ensues. This usually causes the voltage to go out of regulation, often high, and destroys various things, like MOD5234s.
Anyone else using this circuit who has a recommendation for a better diode?