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Clarification of MOD5234 I2C pins

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 9:03 am
by cbyrne
Are these pinout labels correct?

The datasheet for MOD5234 identifies pins 39 and 42 as follows:

Pin Function Alt Fct. GPIO Port Description

39 I2C_SDA CAN0RX PFEC12C1 Data Bus - I2C Data Line or CAN 0 Transmit

42 I2C_SCL CAN0TX PFECI2C0 Data Bus - I2C Clock Line

Note that Alt Fct. for 39 is "RX", but the Description says "Transmit". Possibly the description is wrong, but the MOD5234 reference manual shows these lines on page 12-2. Here I2C_SCL is associated with CAN0RX and PFECI2C[1] instead of CAN0TX and PFECI2C[0] as shown in the pinout:

FECI2C <---->


and this on page 12-7 under I2C (agrees with the Netburner pinout labels but not Description):


Re: Clarification of MOD5234 I2C pins

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 9:29 am
by cbyrne
The pinconstant.h for the module has these on pin 39: SDA, CAN0RX, PFECI2C[0]
These are shown on pin 42: SCL, CAN0TX, PFECI2C[1]

This doesn't agree with the pinout either because the PFECI2C[0] and PFECI2C[1] are interchanged.

What is the definitive source for these signals?

Re: Clarification of MOD5234 I2C pins

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 12:09 pm
by lgitlitz
The value in pinconstant.h is right. 42: SCL, CAN0TX and 39: SDA, CAN0RX. The initial reference manual provided by Freescale for this processor had a typo where the CANRX and CANTX for these two pins was swapped. Once the problem was found the pin names were changed in pinconstant.h and the the MOD5234 data sheet. The pin description must have been missed, I will see that this gets corrected.

Re: Clarification of MOD5234 I2C pins

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:21 pm
by roland.ames
The document "APPNOTE-MOD5234-PinIO.pdf" also needs correction. The pin constants table still shows: PINJ2_39_CAN0TX, PINJ2_42_CAN0RX