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Need help launching "makefile" netburner device build

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 2:51 pm
by Don_T
We need Netburner Debugger support for our application. We can build from the command line and launch Netburner using Auto Update. We can build, run and debug applications through the Eclipse IDE provided we use a project relying on the internal makefile generator supplied with the IDE. But we want to maintain our own makefile and when setting the project up as "makefile - netburner device", the generated files appear to be fine but we are getting the following results when attempting a run or debug configuration -

Selecting "run" or "debug" gives the following message
'Launching Mod5282FactoryDemo' has encountered a problem'

An internal error occured during "Launching Mod5282FactoryDemo"

Details = An internal error occurred during: "Launching Mod5282FactoryDemo". 1

We've set this up several times using our application as well as the supplied demos, different directories, etc. and the results are consistent. What step have we missed or what is it that we need to do to get beyond this point? Seems to me we haven't supplied the launcher with enough info, but I can't find anyplace to put it.

Thank You