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Writing raw data to RS485

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:57 pm
by mdiaz.tello
Is there a way on the SB72-EX to write raw bytes directly to the RS485 port (port 0)? I have been reading through the documentation and it seems like the preferred way to use RS485 is via printf, but that expects a NULL terminated string. I am hoping that there will be a way to just write a non-NULL-terminated string of bytes to the RS485 port. Based on what I have seen in the NetBurnerRuntimeLibraries.pdf, this may be possible, but I would very much appreciate some confirmation.

Also, is there a more comprehensive function reference for the rs485/serial interface? Or are all the functions documented in the NetBurnerRuntimeLibraries.pdf?



Re: Writing raw data to RS485

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 2:52 pm
by rnixon
You should be able to use file descriptor writes to a serial port, which is independent of the fact is is 485. For example, write() writeall() writestring(), etc. Make sure to check the return value if using write().