New Firmware

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New Firmware

Post by Mike2545 »

Hey Guys!, Netburner released new firmware this month for the PINK. Anyone know what new features it has/ bugs it fixed? It did not come with a read me text explaining.
TBH I am impressed they are still supporting this, my earliest firmware version is SB70-PinkApp-R1p36-20110111_APP.s19 Date 12/21/2010
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Re: New Firmware

Post by TomNB »

Release 1.46 8/1/2016, NNDK 2.7.6
- Added TLS support for email

Release 1.45 5/13/15
- Fixed problem with FTP. A transfer now reports an error if the file system is out of space.
- Added support for .js.gz compression of javascript

Release 1.44 4/30/15
- Added !NB0FW command to report firmware version

Release 1.43, 20150423, NNDK 2.7.1
- Added TLS support, the additional size required reduced the file system from 256k to 192k.
New range is 0xFFC0800 to 0xFFC50000 (previously 0xFFC4000)
- Added the ability to configure IP settings from the serial port, previously read only
!NB0WSI:<ip addr>, !NB0WSM:<mask>, !NB0WSG:<ip addr>, !NB0WSD:<ip addr>
- Added ability to change the web server port number (HTTP Port) on web interface and serial interface. !NB0WHP:<port>, !NB0RHP

Revision 1.38, 20131111
- Rebuilt with un-modified NNDK 2.5.3 and PINK source pulled from GIT on 2013.11.11
- Added ability to format file system on nb_factory.htm configuration page

Revision 1.37, Release20120216
- Modified application to be compatible with SB70 and SB70LC products
- Upgraded flash file system (EFFS-STD) from 1.63 to 1.91. EFFS is now thread safe, has
wear leveling
**** IMPORTANT: Versions are not compatible and require a format of the on-chip file
**** Save your files from the the SB70 device before uploading the new application or
they will be erased
- Additional status messages on file system initialization and reported usage. Viewable
on UART0 during boot

Revision 1.36, 20110111
- Rebuilt with NNDK tools 2.5.1; now supports the ability to send and receive e-mail with
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Re: New Firmware

Post by Mike2545 »

Thanks TomNB.

I have an issue with my PINK SB70 that you may know the answer to. I can loop through my program and ask the pink what NBvar's are and push data to the PINk SB70 all day, but every once in a few hours my serin times out. When I look at the Telnet session the output is reading S L O W like one character every 30 seconds. My question is, am I reading the vars too quickly, is there a reset I can preform, is it a hardware issue? I am pulling my hair out trying to figure this out.
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Re: New Firmware

Post by TomNB »

Can you provide very specific details on the slowness? Can you tell from the telnet session when your query is received, and when the pink replies? I can't think of any reason this would happen. What revision are you running, and did this occur in the old one? As you can tell, the more information the better.
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Re: New Firmware

Post by Mike2545 »

Ok, well
The queries are received then followed by a reply that in the telnet (putty) terminal says like "Sent to stamp:" or "Received from stamp" then the var comes across the telnet terminal real < s l o w >like ; 1 character per 30 seconds; !...N...B...0...W...1...1...:...7...4...<CLS>
I know it takes about 2 minutes for the PINK to clear the error.
Newest revision R1p46
and occurred in the old one R1p38
I run a serial debug terminal and have begun recording data in text files, Putty times out and is hard to decipher when an error occurs : My debug file to follow ...

Code: Select all

Sent to Stamp:[]
Received from stamp:[!NB0W32:76<CLS>]
Set Var [32] to [76]
Received from stamp:[!NB0W31:76<CLS>]
Set Var [31] to [76]
Received from stamp:[!NB0ST]
Read Status value = 01
Sent to Stamp:[]
Received from stamp:[!NB0W72:46<CLS>]
Set Var [72] to [46]
Received from stamp:[!NB0W42:74<CLS>]
Set Var [42] to [74]
Received from stamp:[!NB0W41:73<CLS>]
Set Var [41] to [73]
Received from stamp:[!NB0W74:86<CLS>]
Set Var [74] to [86]
Received from stamp:[!NB0W73:95<CLS>]
Set Var [73] to [95]
Received from stamp:[!NB0W75:= 63<CLS>]
Set Var [75] to [= 63]
Received from stamp:[!NB0W76:83<CLS>]
Set Var [76] to [83]
Received from stamp:[!NB0W77:On<CLS>]
Set Var [77] to [On]
Received from stamp:[!NB0W80:69<CLS>]
Set Var [80] to [69]
Received from stamp:[!NB0W81:71<CLS>]
Set Var [81] to [71]
Received from stamp:[!NB0ST]
Read Status value = 01
Sent to Stamp:[]
Received from stamp:[!NB0W82:78<CLS>]
Set Var [82] to [78]
Received from stamp:[!NB0W83:66<CLS>]
Set Var [83] to [66]
Received from stamp:[!NB0W94:06:45<CLS>]
Set Var [94] to [06:45]
Received from stamp:[!NB0W95:20:32<CLS>]
Set Var [95] to [20:32]
Received from stamp:[<CLS>]
Received from stamp:[!NB0W96:19:45<CLS>]
Set Var [96] to [19:45]
Received from stamp:[!NB0ST]
Read Status value = 01
Sent to Stamp:[]
Received from stamp:[!NB0W02:74<CLS>]
Set Var [02] to [74]
Received from stamp:[!NB0W01:73<CLS>]
Set Var [01] to [73]
Received from stamp:[!NB0ST]
Read Status value = 01
Sent to Stamp:[]
Received from stamp:[!NB0
Timed out

My serial debug file

Code: Select all

<MAIN   13:23:28  08/18/16>
   Office	  Pass
   Bedroom	  Pass
   Diningroom	  Pass
   Sunroom	  Pass
   Living room	  Pass
   Attic	  Pass
   Solar	  Pass
   Greenhouse	  Pass

<MAIN   13:23:41  08/18/16>
   Office	  Pass
   Bedroom	  Pass
   Diningroom	  Pass
   Sunroom	  Pass
   Living room	  Pass
   Attic	  Pass
   Solar	  Pass
   Greenhouse	  Pass

<MAIN   13:23:53  08/18/16>
   Office	  Pass
   Bedroom	  Pass
   Diningroom	  Pass
   Sunroom	  Pass
   Living room	  Pass
   Attic	  Pass
   Solar	  Pass
   Greenhouse	  Pass

<MAIN   13:24:06  08/18/16>
   Office	  Pass
(timeout2) 13:24   Error # 1

<MAIN   13:24:20  08/18/16>

(timeout2) 13:24   Error # 1

<MAIN   13:24:32  08/18/16>

(timeout2) 13:24   Error # 1

<MAIN   13:24:44  08/18/16>

(timeout2) 13:24   Error # 1

Crank-it -------------------------

<MAIN   13:26:14  08/18/16>

(timeout2) 13:26   Error # 1

<Setup     Loading Data in Pink 13:26:26 | 08/12/16......... </Setup>
<System 2  Loading Temps in pink ......</System 2>

<MAIN   13:26:32  08/18/16>

(timeout2) 13:26   Error # 1
   Resetting PINK


<Setup     Loading Data in Pink 13:26:53 | 08/12/16......... </Setup>
<System 2  Loading Temps in pink ......</System 2>

<MAIN   13:27:00  08/18/16>
   Office	  Pass
   Bedroom	  Pass
   Diningroom	  Pass
   Sunroom	  Pass
   Living room	  Pass
   Attic	  Pass
   Solar	  Pass
   Greenhouse	  Pass

<MAIN   13:27:17  08/18/16>
   Office	  Pass
   Bedroom	  Pass
   Diningroom	  Pass
   Sunroom	  Pass
   Living room	  Pass
   Attic	  Pass
   Solar	  Pass
   Greenhouse	  Pass

<MAIN   13:27:30  08/18/16>
   Office	  Pass
   Bedroom	  Pass
   Diningroom	  Pass
   Sunroom	  Pass
   Living room	  Pass
   Attic	  Pass
   Solar	  Pass
   Greenhouse	  Pass

No way to know the time stamp on PUTTY
NOTE: these 2 terminal text files did not occur at the same time
Last edited by Mike2545 on Fri Aug 19, 2016 9:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Firmware

Post by Mike2545 »

Here is a video of the telnet terminal I shot this AM. Sorry for the jerky camera work...
[youtube]vmc4MHwsY1E[/youtube] ... rrer=watch

*looks like the youtube tags don't work
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Re: New Firmware

Post by TomNB »

We have run a unit here all day in a continuous loop reading the system vars and writing all 99 of the data vars as fast as it can, but have not been able to reproduce what we see on the video. We will let it run over the weekend. The video shows slowness on both the telnet debug and serial port, which is unusual because its rare for a serial port to have a problem like that.
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Re: New Firmware

Post by Mike2545 »

Thanks Tom, I have also swapped out One PINK for another I had on the shelf , and still saw the same the error after a few hours. I am pushing data to the PINK then asking the status register if things on the web page have changed and get the time out.

Code: Select all

debug cr, "<MAIN   "
    input SDA
    input SCL
    low SDA
   I2CWRITE SDA,SCL, I2c_WR, [0]       'get time
   I2CREAD SDA,SCL, I2C_RD, [Second,Minute,Hour,Day,Date,Month,Year]
        date = 10*(date >>4) + (date & $0f) 'convert hex to bcd 
        month = 10*(month >>4) + (month & $0f) 
   debug hex2 hour,":",hex2 minute,":",hex2 second,"  ", hex2 month,"/",DEC2 date,"/",hex2 year,">",cr,10
   serout2 pinktx,pinkbaud, ["!NB0W96:", hex2 hour,":",hex2 Minute, CLS]'put time on webpage
   SEROUT2 pinkTX,pinkBaud, ["!NB0W99:",hex2 month,":",DEC2 date,":",hex2 year,cls] 
   serout2 pinktx,pinkbaud, ["!NB0W98:","0" ,dec day,cls]
SEROUT2 pinkTX, pinkBaud, ["!NB0ST"] ' Command To Read status Register
    error = 1
    SERIN2  pinkRX, pinkBaud,PauseBit,timeout2,[ Nb_varST ]' Get Data With Timeout
My serial screen shows the timed out routine pausing for 30 seconds

Code: Select all

debug cr,"PINK not responding",cr,"Error code ",dec error 
for x = 1 to 30
pause 1000
debug "."
next x
debug cr
goto main 
Last edited by Mike2545 on Sat Aug 20, 2016 9:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: New Firmware

Post by TomNB »

Looking at your video again, the slowness is in the telnet session is "Received from stamp xxxxx". Looking at the source code for this, the telnet session is printing the chars from the stamp as fast as it receives them. So on second look it appears that the stamp may be the one sending chars slowly to the pink. How are you verifying that the stamp is sending at full speed? Can you verify there is no spacing between characters with an oscilloscope?
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Re: New Firmware

Post by Mike2545 »

Tom, the PIC (stamp) has timed out waiting for the PINK, if you look at the serial communicator screen to the right in the video, it is in the timeout2 subroutine, pausing for 30 seconds and going back to Main which tries to get the status register; "Error code 1" ,with the time stamps "09:26:04" & "09:26:43...etc" which it receives from an I2C RTC module, so it is indeed the PINK that is hung up maybe a buffer thing?

Nb_var 96 is the time which is [09:18] on the telnet screen, this slowness has been going on for 8+ minutes by the time I shot the video with the PIC timing out waiting for the PINK to respond to the command to read the Status Register (error 1)
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