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Throttle the CPU speed on nano54415

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 9:55 am
by seulater
I recently designed a project in which I used the nano and the Wifi module. I placed the wifi module under the nano module to save space.
Currently the processor is running at 62.7c in my office, and it's not even in its enclosure yet.
This will be an outdoor application, and I am getting concerned about the temp.
Is there a way I can throttle the CPU speed down without jacking all the other peripheral timing up ?

Re: Throttle the CPU speed on nano54415

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 8:13 pm
by rnixon
That seems a lot higher than the temp measurements we did, but that was a while ago. I think it was in the neighborhood of 35-45, but I could be wrong. I wonder if it can have to do with what peripherals you are using. Just as a data point I might run it in the netburner dev board with something like the factory app just so compare. Maybe some of the connections on your board are sourcing or sinking a lot of current?

Re: Throttle the CPU speed on nano54415

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 2:18 am
by seulater
At first I thought the same, so I put in a brand new module and it ran the same temp. I then took the module and put it in the kit and it runs a bit cooler @ 51.0 Deg. C. This does make sense that my board runs warmer as i mounted the WI-FI module directly under the nano module.

Re: Throttle the CPU speed on nano54415

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 10:21 am
by rnixon
I don't have any experience on power reductions with this processor, but on most you are able to turn off various sections that you are not using to reduce power consumption, which should reduce heat as well. Just a thought.