need to eliminate ip ping response

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need to eliminate ip ping response

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I have an application running on the SB70LC as a client. It responds to an ip ping with "The main page for the (project name) project". I am not sure what function sends this but I need to eliminate this response for a specific client. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
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Re: need to eliminate ip ping response

Post by Forrest »

You are just using a regular ping <ipaddress>?

You are getting a web page back in your response.

How are you pinging the device? If you are using an application, what application. If you are using command line, what is the exact command you are typing in?

Are you running one of our example applications on the sb70lc? Or are you using a homemade application? Do you get the same results if you load the default factory application on to the device?
Forrest Stanley
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Re: need to eliminate ip ping response

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Thanks for the response. I did start with one of the examples and had StartHTTP in the code but did not need it or remember it was there. Removing it fixed the problem.
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