MOD5441X/NANO54415 PeriodicAD Example
Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:49 pm
Periodic is a buffering Analog to Digital example which samples at a given frequency on the selected channel. It also creates a .wav file of the samples it made.
[Edit] The two platform examples are the same for the A/D code, they simply vary in their filesystem utilities (the MOD5441X use a different style than other platforms).
Code: Select all
* PeriodicAD - DMA Driven, periodic sampling Analog to Digital example
* This example shows how to setup a periodic sampling Analog to Digital
* conversion with buffering. It uses the onboard Analog to Digital Converter
* in loop mode to continuously sample. It then utilizes the DMA Timer to
* trigger a dma transfer from the selected ADC channel, to the next location
* in the sample buffer. The example includes interrupt triggers at a half-full
* and completely full buffer. Finally, the specific result of the application
* is to sample for some period of time, record the data to an output .wav file,
* and repeat.