Handling large POST data (Mod5282)
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 2:57 am
Good morning,
I'm sorry in advance that I have missed some trivial piece of information, but I have got stuck on following issue:
I have an application (on Mod5282) with a simple web configuration interface. So far I have got by with HTTP GET methods for passing parameters, but now I need the web interface to upload a larger chunk of data (typically 10kB, let's say up to 50kB) from a form (with TEXTAREA) via the POST method.
I have defined a POST wrapper:
... and registered it:
When I try to upload a few lines it works fine -- the PostWrap() prints the url and the user is redirected to proper page.
But, when I try to submit 5kB of text, the connection times out and there is no output from PostWrap(). The firmware seemingly carries on i.e. the http server responds to other queries and other tasks do their job.
I assume, that I am over-running some buffer anywhere ... if I am right, the question is how can I increase that buffer and even better without altering the system libraries (since I don't want this to interfere with another projects).
Thank you in advance, hope this will be long question-short answer issue
I'm sorry in advance that I have missed some trivial piece of information, but I have got stuck on following issue:
I have an application (on Mod5282) with a simple web configuration interface. So far I have got by with HTTP GET methods for passing parameters, but now I need the web interface to upload a larger chunk of data (typically 10kB, let's say up to 50kB) from a form (with TEXTAREA) via the POST method.
I have defined a POST wrapper:
Code: Select all
int PostWrap( int sock, char *url, char *pData, char *rxBuffer )
iprintf("----- Processing Post -----\r\n");
iprintf("Post URL: %s\r\n", url);
RedirectResponse( sock, "batch.htm" );
return 1;
Code: Select all
SetNewPostHandler( PostWrap );
But, when I try to submit 5kB of text, the connection times out and there is no output from PostWrap(). The firmware seemingly carries on i.e. the http server responds to other queries and other tasks do their job.
I assume, that I am over-running some buffer anywhere ... if I am right, the question is how can I increase that buffer and even better without altering the system libraries (since I don't want this to interfere with another projects).
Thank you in advance, hope this will be long question-short answer issue