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MOD54415 Signal Availability

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 5:12 pm
by sblair
I'm getting ready to start a new design with the MOD54415 and have some questions on availability of some of the signals.

I want to make use of pretty much ALL of the UART's so my concern is making sure I'm not going to have any conflict with those pins.

1: If I'm using the integrated Flash Card support on the core module will that interfere with any of the signals that are brought out on the header? (Specifically the NFC_ signals).

2: Does the integrated Flash Card support require the SPI lines or is that only for external flash card support? I currently use the SPI pins for Wireless module.

3: I do need to be able to use an external clock for UART baud rate generation. From the data sheet I see: "Each UART can be clocked from an internal or external source. For external clocks, each UARTn can be clocked by the corresponding DTn_IN vnput pin." However, I don't see those pins listed in the tables anywhere?

Re: MOD54415 Signal Availability

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:21 pm
by roland.ames
on point 3)

the relevant signals are labelled TnIN but they are the DMA timer pins

from the MOD54415 datasheet:

J2[32] is T3IN
J2[33] is T2IN
J2[34] is T1IN
J2[36] is T0IN

Re: MOD54415 Signal Availability

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 10:54 am
by sblair
Roland, thanks for that! Hopefully someone from NB will chime in on #1 and #2.

Question #4: Where are UART3 and UART6 hidden?? Are they not brought out? :(


Re: MOD54415 Signal Availability

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 11:52 am
by dciliske
So, the Mod5441X has only 8 of the 10 uarts on the MCF54415 brought out. Uart3 is not brought out. Also, it uses the same pins as DSPI0, which is what drives the onboard uSD card. UART6, which shares pins with UART2's RTS and CTS signals, is also not brought out.

Also, in general the SPI modules will utilize the same pins as some uart, so if you're using spi, knock at least one UART off per spi module you need.

Re: MOD54415 Signal Availability

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 2:02 pm
by sblair
ahhh...cheese and crappers! I thought I had just enough UARTs but missed that I would lose one to SPI. It's rare I would need to use the wireless module and in those cases I could do without one of the UART's so maybe I can just wire those lines up to both and then just change the config depending on the application?

What about question #1 at the top? Will I lose any of the external signals if I'm using the built-in uSD card? I'm just trying to make sure I cover all bases.


Re: MOD54415 Signal Availability

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 3:28 pm
by dciliske
Oh, sorry that was a little unclear; no, you will not lose any uarts by using the onboard uSD slot. It is connected to DSPI0, which is not broad off the board.

Actually, now that I look closer at things... DSPI1 does not use any uart pins. DSPI2 and DSPI3 do, but not DSPI1. So, you can use wifi without impacting your uarts.

Re: MOD54415 Signal Availability

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:27 pm
by sblair
Sweet!! Thanks Dan!