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MOD54415 32 MB flash

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:04 pm
by ahbushnell
What is the write cycle life on the 32 MB of flash memory on the MOD54415?



Re: MOD54415 32 MB flash

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 10:27 am
by pbreed
We have qualified several Flash parts for the MOD5441X
The current release has

Macronix MX29GL256FHXFI-90Q parts on it.
The data sheet for that part says a minimum of 100K Erase/write cycles.

If you need more, then use the on-board microsd card slot and put a microsd card of size and
durability needed for your app.

Re: MOD54415 32 MB flash

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 3:54 pm
by ahbushnell
I think 100k cycles will work for us. I assume the other chips will meet this requirement if you change vendor?



Re: MOD54415 32 MB flash

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 6:53 am
by rnixon
I would think its difficult to predict what might happen in the future with regards to parts being discontinued and replacement part specifications. If you think your pushing 100k write cycles by doing data logging or something similar, could you use some type of battery/cap backed up ram? How much space do you need and how many write cycles per day?

Re: MOD54415 32 MB flash

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:49 am
by ahbushnell
Thanks for the suggestion but I think the 100 k will be fine with plenty of head room. If it was 10,000 cycles then I would have to think about this a little more.
