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Can't complie Eclipseworkspace Using Windows 7 64bit Station
Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 1:20 pm
by jmcpherson96
If I try to to compile my workspace I get the following:
"Cannot run program "m68k_elf-g++" Lauching failed
I am running NBEclipse version Rel24_RC2
No problems with Windows 7 32bit station
Re: Can't complie Eclipseworkspace Using Windows 7 64bit Sta
Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 2:28 pm
by Forrest
jmcpherson96 wrote:If I try to to compile my workspace I get the following:
"Cannot run program "m68k_elf-g++" Lauching failed
I am running NBEclipse version Rel24_RC2
No problems with Windows 7 32bit station
I assume you meant to type m68k-elf-g++?
You should have no problem with win7 64 bit. I am using it right now in development. I am going to guess that you have a path problem. It sounds like windows7 does not have c:\nburn\gcc-m68k\bin on the PATH variable.
A quick verification of this is to try a command line build. Open cmd and go to c:\nburn and type "setenv.bat". Then go to any example and make it. Does that build?
Re: Can't complie Eclipseworkspace Using Windows 7 64bit Sta
Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 8:36 am
by jmcpherson96
I have the PAth variables setup properly. Now when I compile my workspace I get a Windows error "compcode.exe has stopped working....". This file is located in the pcbin directory and this directory is defined in the PATH.
Re: Can't complie Eclipseworkspace Using Windows 7 64bit Sta
Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:59 am
by tod
I run Eclipse Galileo 32 bit version on a Windows 7 64 bit machine/OS daily without issues (I've also used Indigo and Helios, while they compile fine they have other issues). As a test I booted and ran NBEclipse as well and it worked. I know you said you were using NBEclipse (which I'm pretty certain is only available based on a 32 bit version of Ganymede) but I just wanted to clarify that running the 64 bit versions of Eclipse does not work in my experience.
You might try launching NBEclipse by right clicking and selecting Run As Administrator and see if that helps, or use the Troubleshoot Compatibility option and try the recommend settings (which will probably be running in XP compatible mode).
Re: Can't complie Eclipseworkspace Using Windows 7 64bit Sta
Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:46 am
by jmcpherson96
I figured it out. I has to reinstall NBeclipse and then I moved my nbum directory into it.