Using source from 1 project in another

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Using source from 1 project in another

Post by v8dave »

Hi all,

Is it possible to use files from another project as part of an exisiting project?

What I have is a project that has 2 different LCD drivers. The LCD displays are different sizes so the main application code would use different graphics images, but the files for these would be the same name as the other version. I would create new versions of the graphics for this.

The source code file that handles the graphics would be different because of the different locations etc but that would only be 1 file to have to maintain in 2 locations. It doesn't change much now anyway as I am just wanting to port the code over to the 5" LCD now but I may do other changes as I progress this new design or find any bugs.

I want to be able to use all the other source files and allow any changes to these to be included with both builds. These are drivers for Modbus, touch etc.

Is this possible with Eclipse to do?

Hope this makes sense?

I had consider just using source control and checking it in and out when I make changes.

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Re: Using source from 1 project in another

Post by tod »

Does the standard library functionality not satisfy what you need? If you're not familiar with building NB libs under Eclipse I wrote up an overview on the wiki a while back.
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