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Subclipse & Subversion instead of CVS?

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 8:39 am
by Ridgeglider
Does anyone have experience using the Subclipse version control plugin instead of CVS? Reactions: Easy to use, better than CVS, stable? Does it co-exist with the NetBurner Eclipse modules?

I'm using the NetBurner "rel22_rc1" Beta. I think it uses CDT 3.1 and Eclipse 3.2. Is this correct? Apparently I need to know in order to download the proper Subclipse plugin.


Re: Subclipse & Subversion instead of CVS?

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 6:00 am
by kevin_d_mccall
We have been using SVN since day one.

I was actually using eclipse before it was "officially" released with NetBurner builds so can vouch for it's robustness. The IDE just didn't cut it with us, we need a command line build to pass escrow requirements.

Get the plug in here:

We are currently using version 1.2.4 of the plug in with Europa build 3.3.2 of eclipse and CDT 3.1.2.


Re: Subclipse & Subversion instead of CVS?

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 6:09 am
by kevin_d_mccall
...or use the eclipse menu "Help" -> "Software Updates" -> "Find and Install".

Select search for new features to install

Select Subclipse update site

Re: Subclipse & Subversion instead of CVS?

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 11:38 am
by Forrest
The Find and Install option will not work from NBEclipse. We pull many features out of Eclipse for our product release (with the goal being to simplify eclipse).

As a side note, I am working on a new release of NBeclipse that will be offered both as a product release (like the current) and as a plugin (which will work with any std Eclipse release). This new build is based off of Eclipse 3.3.x and CDt4.x (current build)

It won't be in the soon to be released 22_rc2, but it is in the works for the following release.

NBeclipse plugin

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:32 pm
by DIvashin
To Mr. Forrest:
Any news on NBeclipse plugin which you mention and which will work with latest(Ganymede) Eclipse release?

Re: Subclipse & Subversion instead of CVS?

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 3:15 pm
by asargent
I see that we are not the only ones wanting subversion support in the NetBurner version of Eclipse. I have been trying to figure out how to make it work, but without success. Has anyone made it work yet? We have several team members that would benefit greatly from this support. Thanks in advance for any insight you can share.

Re: Subclipse & Subversion instead of CVS?

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:06 pm
by tod
I've been using Subclipse with the NB NNDK for years without problems. I use TortoiseSVN at the explorer level. My preferred method now is to use the full version of Eclipse (currently Galileo) and install all the plugins I need including the NB ones. I made a six minute screencast showing the steps.


Re: Subclipse & Subversion instead of CVS?

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:27 pm
by Forrest
Do our tools work well the the Galileo release? I am hesitant to update to Galileo after the june release month. A second release occurs in October (i believe), which is when most of the developers seem to join in.

Re: Subclipse & Subversion instead of CVS?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 4:50 am
by fanat9
I'm using netburner plugin with Galileo - seem's to work fine.

Re: Subclipse & Subversion instead of CVS?

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:50 pm
by tod
Forrest wrote:Do our tools work well the the Galileo release? I am hesitant to update to Galileo after the june release month. A second release occurs in October (i believe), which is when most of the developers seem to join in.
I have mostly been experimenting but I've loaded several existing projects and they seem to work fine. Galileo with spell checking modules, Subclipse and JSEclipse along with of course the NB plug-ins. I am having problems with ECUT (C++ Unit Testing) but that is almost certainly either an ECUT or CPPBuild issue nothing to do with Galileo or NB