Re: Problems using EPORT IRQ5 and IRQ7 on MOD5270
Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:17 pm
I just ran a quick test on a MCF5234 and nested interrupts seem to work with the EPORT pins set as inputs. My test will enter a level 1 interrupt on the negative edge of IRQ1. The mask is set to 2100 so only level 1 interrupts are blocked. The interrupt will wait for IRQ1 to go high before leaving the interrupt. IRQ5 will set IRQ5_Fired true in its interrupt routine only if the IRQ1 interrupt is active. It shows that nesting is working.
You mentioned that in your test you always lose IRQ1 while IRQ3 is actively servicing its interrupt. This will always be true since the interrupt mask must be set to at least 0x2300 for a level 3 interrupt and only a level 4 or higher can nest into it. You should be able to nest your IRQ3 interrupt into your IRQ1 interrupt as long as you set the interrupt mask to 0x2100 or 0x2200 for IRQ1. For example, in my code when I set the mask level of the IRQ1 interrupt to 0x2500 then I can not nest my IRQ5 since it is now blocked while the IRQ1 is active.
You mentioned that in your test you always lose IRQ1 while IRQ3 is actively servicing its interrupt. This will always be true since the interrupt mask must be set to at least 0x2300 for a level 3 interrupt and only a level 4 or higher can nest into it. You should be able to nest your IRQ3 interrupt into your IRQ1 interrupt as long as you set the interrupt mask to 0x2100 or 0x2200 for IRQ1. For example, in my code when I set the mask level of the IRQ1 interrupt to 0x2500 then I can not nest my IRQ5 since it is now blocked while the IRQ1 is active.
Code: Select all
volatile BOOL IRQ1_Active = FALSE;
volatile BOOL IRQ1_Fired = FALSE;
volatile BOOL IRQ5_Fired = FALSE;
INTERRUPT( IRQ1_isr, 0x2100 )
IRQ1_Active = TRUE;
while(( sim.eport.eppdr & 0x2 ) == 0 ); // Stay here till IRQ line is high so I can trigger IRQ5
IRQ1_Fired = TRUE;
IRQ1_Active = FALSE;
sim.eport.epfr = 0x02; // 0000 0010 - Clear the interrupt edge
INTERRUPT( IRQ5_isr, 0x2500 )
if( IRQ1_Active )
IRQ5_Fired = TRUE;
sim.eport.epfr = 0x20; // 0010 0000 - Clear the interrupt edge
usermain.... ->
J2[43].function( PINJ2_43_IRQ1_FET );
J2[47].function( PINJ2_47_IRQ5_FET );
SetIntc( 0, ( long ) &IRQ1_isr, 1, 1, 1 );
SetIntc( 0, ( long ) &IRQ5_isr, 5, 5, 5 );
sim.eport.epier = 0x22; // 0000 0010 - Enable IRQ1 IRQ5
while (1) {
if( IRQ1_Fired )
iprintf("TimeTick = %d\r\n", TimeTick);
iprintf("IRQ1 has fired\r\n");
if( IRQ5_Fired )
iprintf("The nested IRQ5 has also fired\r\n");
IRQ1_Fired = FALSE;
IRQ5_Fired = FALSE;