Missing ldflags.mak

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Missing ldflags.mak

Post by tgldt »

I recently inherited a NetBurner project and I am currently having issues compiling the code. The NBEclipse IDE is giving me an error that I am missing the ldflags.mak file. I have tried to "Rebuild All System Files", but haven't had any luck with this yet. Has anyone else seen this issue or know anything about how to solve it?
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Re: Missing ldflags.mak

Post by rnixon »

Sounds like files may have been copied. That file should always be there on a good install. Did you install the tools yourself on the machine, or did you copy things over? A good test is to do a clean install, then use the app wizard to create a simple app, and see if it builds. That would verify the file exists.
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Re: Missing ldflags.mak

Post by tgldt »

I installed the tools fresh, but I copied the project from our source code repository into the workspace folder. I tried to create an example project from the TcpClientSimple, but I still received an error stating "No rule to make target C:\nburn//make/ldflags.mak".
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Re: Missing ldflags.mak

Post by pbreed »

I do all my work from the command line, not eclipse, so I can't help you with eclipse details...
The error your getting proably says the platform variable is not set up.

The command line tools use DEFPLATFORM and PLATFORM, if you have a custom makefile its also possible that it has a PLATFORM= in it as well.

So if your project is setup for a platform you don't have installed you will likely get this error....
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Re: Missing ldflags.mak

Post by tgldt »

The platform is set up for the model number I'm using (MOD5282). I made sure to enter the serial number when I installed NetBurner. I tried the "make" command through the command prompt, but it gave me the same error. It looks like the "ldflags.mak" file is never found in the c:\nburn\make directory. After doing a clean install, all I see are:

Does anyone know if this ldflags.mak file is generated at any point in the compilation?
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Chris Ruff
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Re: Missing ldflags.mak

Post by Chris Ruff »

this is the contents of my ldflags.mak in my
\nburn26\mod5282\make directory
copy the below text int a file located there and named that.
good luck
p.s I have many versions of the library. 26 is recent

LDFLAGS = -mcpu=5206e -Wl -Wl,-n -T$(PLATFORMROOT)/lib/MOD5282.ld -Wl,-R$(NBROOTMINGW)/MOD5282/lib/sys.ld
NBLIBS = $(NBROOTMINGW)/lib/MOD5282.a $(NBROOTMINGW)/lib/NetBurner.a $(NBROOTMINGW)/lib/FatFile.a $(LDEXTRA)
COMPCODEFLAGS = 0xffc08000 0xFFC80000
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Re: Missing ldflags.mak

Post by pbreed »

You seem to be missing the whole MOD5282 directory....

if you are using the MOD5282 is ldflags.mak in


If you are going from the command line...

before running make try


You can also put that

PLATFORM=MOD5282 as the first line in your make file....

If you have inherited this project from someone then it is not totally unheard of for people to create their own platforms
so they know what devices are theirs... is there a PLATFORM= command in the project makefile, if so what is it?
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