Loading S19 file into flash

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Loading S19 file into flash

Post by mcman »

System: MOD5234

I would like to, possibly, disable the monitor based flash loading capability (i.e. set wait=0 in configuration record, so no opportunity for nb>fla) and instead only support serial reflash via support built into my running application. I'm wondering if there is something I can leverage that already exists. Specifically, I understand that the 5213 had a function called EnableSerialUpdate() that would, essentially, put the serial port into the same state as nb>fla. I would like to take something like that and go one step further by specifically referencing the file to be loaded, and just loading the file to flash directly instead of using something like MTTY or HyperTerminal. Assuming I have disabled updates via network access, I then have full application control over what firmware is allowed to be loaded.

1. Am I correct there there is nothing like EnableSerialUpdate() built in for the 5234?
2. If I were to somehow get my hands on the source for EnableSerialUpdate(), could I easily modify it for the 5234 to meet my objective?
3. Is my solution plausible, if my end objective is full control over firmware updates via serial port only?

Posts: 9
Joined: Wed Sep 30, 2009 1:54 pm

Re: Loading S19 file into flash

Post by mcman »

Sorry..... I see that the function I'm looking for is built into the NNDK Stream Update Library.
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