Hello, correct, the file system needs space for the file system management. That is why it is less. Just like any hard drive you would see on a PC.
In cardtypes.h: #define EXT_FLASH_DRV_NUM (F_RAM_DRIVE0), so it should work based on what I see in the FTP example. Is that what you are running with no modifications other than uncommenting the ram drive instead of mmc?
Re: Ramdisk
That agrees with my cardtype.h. I'm running my app (recently inherited) where I replaced the flash with the RAM disk.
Re: Ramdisk
If you want me to try it here, please use the example and only change the cardtype.h. That way I can test the same code.
Re: Ramdisk
EFFS-FTP example works for me using FileZilla.
Re: Ramdisk
It’s working here. Thanks for your help.