First, the system has been working with 200 mS cycles on a 50% or 75% duty cycle, so the trigger short phase has been at least 50 mS out of 200. Now I want to detect triggers at 3 mS down to 1 mS. Is that practical with 5441X, while still supporting network services?
Next, here is my new task. Big picture, it increments a counter every rising edge.
Code: Select all
DWORD TriggerWatchTaskStack[USER_TASK_STK_SIZE];
uint32_t Trig10Count = 0;
uint32_t Trig29Count = 0;
void TriggerWatchTask(void* pUnused)
int lastTrig1 = -1;
int lastTrig2 = -1;
DWORD bit_mask = 0;
OS_FLAGS flags;
flags.current_flags = 0;
flags.pWaitinglist = NULL;
while (TRUE)
//OSTimeDly(0); // yield, 0 ticks: misses gaps at 5/sec. -1: the task does not run.
//OSFlagPendAllNoWait(&flags, bit_mask); // no yield, MAIN does not run,
int thisTrig1 = J1[10];
J2[LedIndexes[0]] = thisTrig1;
if (thisTrig1 != lastTrig1)
if (lastTrig1 >= 0)
bool risingEdge = (thisTrig1 == 0) ? true : false;
if (InvertTrigger)
risingEdge = ! risingEdge;
if (risingEdge)
Trig10Count += 1;
lastTrig1 = thisTrig1;
// Secondary trigger: J2.29(UART0.7 RTS)
//triggering seems to work with or without this setting: J2[29].function(0);
int thisTrig2 = J2[29];
J2[LedIndexes[1]] = thisTrig2;
if (thisTrig2 != lastTrig2)
if (WebCfgRtsTrigger())
if (lastTrig2 >= 0)
bool risingEdge = (thisTrig2 == 0) ? true : false;
if (risingEdge)
Trig29Count += 1;
lastTrig2 = thisTrig2;
Code: Select all
OSTaskCreate( TriggerWatchTask,
(void *)NULL,
MAIN_PRIO - 1); // also tried ETHER_SEND_PRIO - 1
If I uncomment OSTimeDly(0), everything runs and the LEDs follow the inputs, but the system misses more triggers than it did at first. If I uncomment OSFlagPendAllNoWait(&flags, bit_mask) (with OSTimeDly(0) commented), the system acts like it did with both lines commented. Both calls are an attempt at some kind of RTOS yield. If I set the task priority at MAIN_PRIO + 1, the LEDs are off steady, telling me that the task never runs.
Obviously I'm missing something about uCos. So my questions are:
* how short of an input pulse should be detectable?
* is there a better way to detect short input pulses, in a system that is also doing network services?
* if not, how do I get my task the right number of timeslices?