Help with issues using Web Interface

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Help with issues using Web Interface

Post by tpannone »

We have been using MOD5282 core for many years to run our servo control software. We use the web interface to access HTML pages that provide status information, access to internal test functions, and change calibration parameters. On the calibration parameter page, we can enter new parameters, save parameters to flash memory, and recall stored parameters from flash memory.

Today I was accessing one of our servo controllers remotely to enter some new calibration parameters. When I attempted to set the new parameters, my entry was not accepted and the old parameter appeared back in the parameter window.

I had seen this problem before when Windows 7 came out. The fix at the time was to go into the Internet Options and setup the Local Intranet configuration with the IP address of my Netburner cores, and drop the security setting to Low.

The laptop computer I was accessing today was Windows 10 and has Edge, Chrome, and Firefox installed. I tried my old trick of reconfiguring the Local Intranet and reducing the security settings. No matter what browser I used, I could not get the Netburner to accept the new parameters. I was accessing the laptop PC remotely using TeamViewer. I even disconnected from the laptop, and had the person on the other end make the entries. The Netburner would not accept the new parameters.

The funny thing is now that I've typed this long essay, I realize I forgot to check the laptop's firewall settings. Could it be something as simple as the firewall, or is there something else going on with Windows 10?
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Re: Help with issues using Web Interface

Post by tpannone »

Well it seems that problem is with modern web browsers accessing "legacy" webpages. I can access and change parameter settings using the stand-alone Internet Explorer (IE) that came bundled in my laptop's Win7 installation. On my co-worker's Win10 laptop, IE automatically launches MS Edge. I have to configure Edge to open the Netburner IP addresses in IE. Problem is after 30-days it reverts back to opening them in Edge. I've not had any luck getting my current version of Firefox to properly access my Netburner webpages.

I'm guessing newer Netburner cores do not have this issue.
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Re: Help with issues using Web Interface

Post by TomNB »

I don't think this is a netburner core issue. My first guess is that the newer web browsers have different requirements for your html code you wrote for the netburner device. So when you submit new values, what gets sent is somehow different.

A few things to try:
1. A quick check would be to use wireshark, capture an IE post that works, then capture a firefox post that does not. You may see a difference there.
2. Add some debugging and print out what your app receives through the web page to the serial port. If your not getting the new values, then that would be the problem.
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Re: Help with issues using Web Interface

Post by wbradley »

If this is still an issue for you, I'd be happy to review your HTML. Feel free to send it via private message.
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