I am trying to get VLAN's to work on a multihome interface with 2.9.5. I initialize the network using a static IP address. This is interface 1. I add a VLAN interface with a different address and a VLAN tag. My switch is set up to tag traffic with the VLAN id through one port and not tag on the other. Now I can ping the interface that has the VLAN tag but cannot seem to get any response from http or ftp. I switch to the untagged access port and I can ping and access http and ftp on the untagged interface and am blocked from access to the tagged interface as I would expect.
Is there something I need to do to get http running on the VLAN interface in the NetBurner?
Multihome VLAN
Re: Multihome VLAN
I should add that http and ftp work just fine if the interface is created without a VLAN tag.
Re: Multihome VLAN
It's a bug in 2.9.5. Thanks NetBurner support for a fast patch turnaround!