Receive only SBL2eX

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Receive only SBL2eX

Post by kcris »

I have an SBL2eX-100IR. I want it to use it in UDP mode to only receive packets, i.e. only go from UDP -> serial. I don't want it to send any UDP packets regardless of what it sees on the serial port. If I do not load any outgoing address or port number in the settings, will that have the intended effect (to prevent outgoing UDP packets)? Is there another/better way to do this?
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Re: Receive only SBL2eX

Post by TomNB »


Can you describe exactly what serial device you are connecting to, and how you are connected? Is it your own cable?

Is this for production volumes, lab, single use? If so, you could leave the tx connection off in the cable from your serial device to the SBL2e.

There is no method in the standard serial to Ethernet application to disable UDP transmits. However, since UDP is connectionless, I think you could pick some address you don't care about or simply not listen on your client side if any packets should be sent.

One other solution, but probably only if this is a production application, would be to get a development kit and modify the factory serial to ethernet application so UDP packets are not sent.
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Re: Receive only SBL2eX

Post by kcris »

Thanks for your reply. This is in a lab environment. Single use to enable a specific test. At the moment, we are using a standard cable, so it's not easy to disconnect the TX data line.

We can try using some unused address or port.

What would the SBL2eX do if we blank out the sending address or port settings?
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Re: Receive only SBL2eX

Post by TomNB »

That isn't a mode we test in, so it would be something you could try to see if it works. It might be easier to cut off the tx pin in your serial cable.
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Re: Receive only SBL2eX

Post by kcris »

We tried it out. I can confirm that blanking the destination IP address and port number causes the device to stop sending IP packets. Receive functionality was unaffected.
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Re: Receive only SBL2eX

Post by TomNB »

Glad it worked, and thank you for the follow up post.
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