NetBurner SBL2E Serial Comm Error

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NetBurner SBL2E Serial Comm Error

Post by nil11 »


I have got one NetBurner SBL2E-100IR Rev v1.2 serial to Ethernet server (with RJ-45). I configured this device as per given document following web-page configuration. I connected my laptop with SBL2E module along with Ethernet cable and serial to USB converter. The document says (page no. 29 sec. 14) serial test procedure, I am trying to send data from serial to Ethernet and vice-versa, but I am not getting any response. AT command is also not working.

Please let me suggest any solution, because as per the document I have followed every steps.
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Re: NetBurner SBL2E Serial Comm Error

Post by TomNB »

What are you using for a serial terminal on your computer, and what baud rate?

Can you see the device in IPSetup? If you cannot see it, try connecting both your PC and the SBL2e to a wired network with a DHCP server and run IPSetup again.

What settings do you have using the device web page interface?
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Re: NetBurner SBL2E Serial Comm Error

Post by nil11 »


Thank you for the response.
I am using Hercules setup utility and the baud rate is 115200.
Yes I can see the device on IPSetup. I configured it with the new IP and I can see the ping response also.
I configured SBL2E in server mode through web page. There is a provision in Hercules setup utility for TCP Server/Client communication, so with the help of Hercules I can connect SBL2E with my laptop by using Ethernet cable.

Only the issue I am getting that data is not transmitting/receiving between serial to Ethernet and vice-versa.

May I know one thing?
After power up, Does SBL2E transmit any startup messages on DEBUG channel?

Please help me to find the solution.
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Re: NetBurner SBL2E Serial Comm Error

Post by TomNB »


It sounds like you have a correct setup, but I have no experience with hercules, or their setup utility. Sounds like you may have some type of virtual comm port driver installed with it, so I cannot comment or help with that part of things. So please note that you are doing things quite differently than our test procedure in the manual, even though it may feel to you like you are following every step. It could be that your hercules software, driver, etc requires some other type of setup parameters.

By default both serial ports are configured as data ports, and not debug ports. If you go to the web page configuration and select "debug" as one of the port functions (only choose 1 port as debug), it should send status messages out that serial port when you cycle power. That would be a good test as I think you are suggesting.

The other possibility is serial port wiring. Be certain to have a null modem adapter or cable.
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