MOD5213 and Arduino Uno CAN communication using MCP2515 module

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MOD5213 and Arduino Uno CAN communication using MCP2515 module

Post by jagadeesh »

I have recently bought Netburner MOD5213 module with MOD-DEV-40 kit. I tried to send the data between MOD5213 and Arduino UNO using CAN bus. But am unable send or receive the data on both end.
This is what i tried,
1. MOD5213 plugged in MOD-DEV-40 and run the example code CANSERIAL.(Connected the jumper wires on JP9 and JP10 2nd pins to 3rd pins i.e. to pin 36 and 37).
2. Arduino UNO connected with MCP2515 CAN module and run the example code from the library Seeed-Studio/CAN_BUS_Shield .

For checking the CAN bus module on Arduino

1. I connected two MCP2515 CAN module to two Arduino UNO and able to send / receive data between two Arduino's using CAN bus with the help of example code from library.

For checking the CAN bus module on Mod5213

As mentioned earlier connected the jumper wires on JP9 and JP10 2nd pins to 3rd pins. Connected the oscilloscope to CANH and CANL & tried to send the data. Am able to get some pulses during the data transmission. So, i think MOD5213 is trying to send the data.

I have tried to change the various message id's and fifo registers to listen for all messages but couldn't get successful data transmission between Mod5213 and Arduino.

What is it am missing to get successful transmission of data?
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Re: MOD5213 and Arduino Uno CAN communication using MCP2515 module

Post by TomNB »

CAN will not operate at all from a hardware perspective unless there are at least two devices connected together. So scoping one CAN device will not yield any good results.
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MOD5213 and Arduino Uno CAN communication using MCP2515 module

Post by EddieSVab »

Willingly I accept. In my opinion, it is actual, I will take part in discussion. I know, that together we can come to a right answer.
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