macOS IDE future

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macOS IDE future

Post by Rich »

Lately I've been having some crashes when saving/compiling (currently using macOS high sierra 10.13.2 - previous OS seemed stable)
Also, can't set the font size properly, can't program over serial and had to install legacy JAVA

What would be greatly appreciated in a future release:
1) Compile the IDE against latest JAVA 8 (not the old JAVA 6 from Apple - it's no longer supported)
2) Build all tools to run natively on macOS. IP Setup, autoupdate etc. And not with JAVA. Maybe use something like Xojo for X-platform.
3) Add support for serial flashing and for the MOD5213 (I compile all projects on macOS except for those and currently use a VM)

I'm entering this in the forum instead of opening up a ticket just to see if there is anyone else out there using macOS.
Anyone else looking to see these changes made?
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Re: macOS IDE future

Post by TomNB »

Hello Rich,

We are working on items 1 and 2 in our NetBurner 3.0 release due out the last half of this year. It is still in development so I do not have any more details at this time, but we will make an announcement when we go to beta test.
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