Search found 19 matches

by savaliya_ambani
Thu Mar 18, 2010 4:43 am
Forum: NetBurner Software
Topic: how to reconnect with server after client terminates(reset)?
Replies: 6
Views: 5652

Re: how to reconnect with server after client terminates(reset)?

Thanks to all, i have fixed the local port as well as destination port . Now,server also closes the fd by close(fd), and returns successfully . but still it is not getting connected immediately after that.It gets reconnected to the same port after very long time. And it gets reconnected only when se...
by savaliya_ambani
Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:10 am
Forum: NetBurner Software
Topic: how to reconnect with server after client terminates(reset)?
Replies: 6
Views: 5652

how to reconnect with server after client terminates(reset)?

Dear SIR, My NNDK MOD5282 is a client ,and sends the processed real time data we get after processing, to the Windows PC server ,where our server code is running. Now,when i reset the NNDK board and try to reconnect to the server,than the connection is not accepted.i dont know what is happening and ...
by savaliya_ambani
Wed Jun 17, 2009 2:50 am
Forum: NetBurner Software
Topic: how to maximize the packet size in tcp/udp?
Replies: 5
Views: 5586

Re: how to maximize the packet size in tcp/udp?

Thank you sir, i will use this benchmark application note and will reply with the NNDK version and the achieved rate. but still i am in dilema, why the UDP rate i am getting currently is 27 Mbps. i am just creating a packet once,and sending it 10k times. what are the parameters, which are affecting ...
by savaliya_ambani
Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:00 am
Forum: NetBurner Software
Topic: how to maximize the packet size in tcp/udp?
Replies: 5
Views: 5586

how to maximize the packet size in tcp/udp?

Dear Sir, I am sending the data through UDP from MOD5282 to the server program running on windowsXP. now when i keep the packetsize of 1457 bytes ( maxmimum i could set),it works well. because 1457+(20 of ip+14 of ehternet+8 of udp) =1499. which is defined in constatnts.h file AS follow, ETH_BUFFER_...
by savaliya_ambani
Sat May 09, 2009 2:09 am
Forum: NetBurner Software
Topic: what is the effect of printf on real time on MOD5282?
Replies: 1
Views: 2787

what is the effect of printf on real time on MOD5282?

hellow every one, can you tell me please what is the effect of the iprintf statement in real time applications. i have MOD5282 with ucos as rtos. i am trying to run an ISR which reads 1024 bytes from the SDRAM ,while also prints the notifications statement inside ISR. now when i remove this statemen...
by savaliya_ambani
Sat May 02, 2009 4:59 am
Forum: NetBurner Software
Topic: How many Maximum task are supported for UCOS?
Replies: 8
Views: 7971

Re: How many Maximum task are supported for UCOS?

Dear Sir, Thank you veru much your quick and relevant answers. now one more thing is that , i have only 5 tasks. but deliberately i have set the priority of one task to Main_Prio+13. So,now when i run this code,it is not getting into any task ,only while 1 inside UserMain is running. i have set OSTi...
by savaliya_ambani
Thu Apr 23, 2009 10:46 pm
Forum: NetBurner Software
Topic: Working with the NMI irq7,facing problem-urgent.
Replies: 1
Views: 2885

Working with the NMI irq7,facing problem-urgent.

Dear Sir, I am using the NMI interrupt 7 on MOD5282 , and i have also written ISR as suggested inside the manual MOD5282 INTERRUPT.pdf. But it Disables all the functions of the UCOS. and only Idle task is running. It gets into ISR for the When interrupr arrives on NMI, But gets trapped when it execu...
by savaliya_ambani
Thu Apr 23, 2009 10:39 pm
Forum: NetBurner Software
Topic: How many Maximum task are supported for UCOS?
Replies: 8
Views: 7971

How many Maximum task are supported for UCOS?

Dear SIr, I am working on MOD5282 with the ucos RTOS. And i am facing difficulty in my development. THe problem is that ,I have total 18 Tasks, and hence the priority list also goes to the Main_Prio+18. Now when i load the code with only kepping 5 Tasks ,but lowest Priority of one of the task is Mai...
by savaliya_ambani
Sat Feb 28, 2009 4:41 am
Forum: NetBurner Software
Topic: How to make watchdog timer running? shows random behaviour.
Replies: 6
Views: 7775

Re: How to make watchdog timer running? shows random behaviour.

Dear Sir, i just want to write a code for the watchdog which can service the controller at 1.2 second and i also want to check that if within this time i do not service it ,where in the ISR it can come ? my goal is so simple, i want to get the feel of watchdog running. so how can i check in ISR when...
by savaliya_ambani
Tue Feb 10, 2009 10:31 pm
Forum: NetBurner Software
Topic: How to make watchdog timer running? shows random behaviour.
Replies: 6
Views: 7775

Re: watchdog related SCM and WTM class seems to be confusing?

Thanks for the reply, Now, the next thing is that my watchdog module is running OK , but not the way i wish. I am using the Watchdog timer module (chapter-18 , MCF5282.pdf) and i have to enable it through the register SIM.SCM.CWCR=0X80 (chapter-8,mcf5282.pdf). If i dont write into this register than...