OS_Flags available for MOD5213?

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OS_Flags available for MOD5213?

Post by barttech »

I've successfully used OS_Flag-related code on my MOD5234 platform, but it won't link for MOD5213.
The uCos Library pdf says that you can't use networked stuff for the MOD5213, which I can understand. But it doesn't say anything about flags (which don't seem to be network related) not being available on MOD5213, but they are not in the include_nn/ucos.h, only the include/ucos.h. Is this a case of the documentation leading me astray, or is there some way to use flags on the MOD5213? I can probably do what I want (restrict access to the I2C driver) with semaphores, but I have it working nicely with flags on the MOD5234.
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Re: OS_Flags available for MOD5213?

Post by pbreed »

OS_FLAGS are not in the MOD5213 library.

You could move the ucos_flags.c from the system to system_nn library modify the make file etc...

The changes I had to make to the ucos_flags.c to make it compile in the system_nn directory

were to modify ucosflags.c so the includes were:

#include "basictypes.h"
#include "ucosmcfc.h"
#include <ucos.h>

add ucosflags.c to the make file. (rememeber makefiles care about real tabs, not just spaces)

modify nburn\include_nn\ucos.h to add the flags stuff from nburn\include\ucos.h


new includes at top of
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Re: OS_Flags available for MOD5213?

Post by barttech »

Thanks, Paul, for the comprehensive answer.
I wish the manual explained that OS_Flags are not part of the MOD5213 platform's support.
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