My NetBurner Connections
J2-39 (SDA)
J2-42 (SCL)
J2-50 (VCC)
J2-49 (GND)
The Propeller requires two 10k pullups on the SCL and SDA lines. I’m assuming that’s not the case for the MOD5270/Mod-Dev-70 but I tried it both ways.
I modified main.cpp.; commented #include "i2cmulti.h" and uncommented #include "i2cmaster.h".
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//#include "i2cmulti.h" //Used for Multi-Master I2C
#include "i2cmaster.h" //Used for Master Only I2C
Master Mode send a string to a specified address = 16
TX = 5
The first time through I get error 9. The next time I get error 4.
I hooked up my scope to the data and clock lines. I’m not seeing anything. The code comments state...
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Please note that jumper JP12 should be put on the developement board to enable
the I2C pull up resistors. Jumper pins 1 and 2 for a 5V I2C bus and jumper
pins 2 and 3 for a 3.3V I2C bus.