Stopwatch.h for MOD54415?

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Stopwatch.h for MOD54415?

Post by barttech »

I have the Stopwatch code from lgitlitz but it needs a
value defined.

#if (defined MCF5282 || defined MCF5213)
#define NB_CPU_CLK ( 66355200 )
#elif defined MCF5272
#define NB_CPU_CLK (62500000 / 4096)
#elif defined MCF5208
#define NB_CPU_CLK ( 83335000 )
#elif defined MCF53017
#define NB_CPU_CLK ( 80000000 )
#elif (defined MCF5234 || defined MCF5270)
#define NB_CPU_CLK ( 73728000 )

What is the right value for the MOD54415?
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Re: Stopwatch.h for MOD54415?

Post by pbreed »

In the latest code release there is a hirestimer.cpp in the MOD5441X directory...
Try using that...

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Re: Stopwatch.h for MOD54415?

Post by barttech »

Thanks Paul,
Is there any documentation for this and other new functions beyond the comments in the code?
Or examples?
Like, in void HiResTimer::delay(double delayTime), is delayTime in msec or usec or something else?
Do I have to call start() before using delay()?
The .h file says
"Starts the selected timer. The user MUST call HiResTimerInit for the given timer before calling this method."
but I cannot find HiResTimerInit, does it mean HiResTimer.init() ?
What does the parameter InterruptTime mean for init()?
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Re: Stopwatch.h for MOD54415?

Post by barttech »

If I try:
#include <HiResTimer.h>
HiResTimer MOD54415Timer(1);
I get errors that the constructor and destructor are private.
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Re: Stopwatch.h for MOD54415?

Post by rnixon »

In cpp a constructor is called when you create the object, and the destructor is called when the object goes out of scope. So you don't call those directly. I don't have the code to look at, but maybe that info will help a bit.
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Re: Stopwatch.h for MOD54415?

Post by barttech »

Right, but usually there is a public constructor, HiResTimer's are private. I'm guessing that one of the other methods also constructs but I can't see what or how.
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Re: Stopwatch.h for MOD54415?

Post by greengene »

did you look at the example in /nburn/examples/utils/HiResTimerDemo?
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Re: Stopwatch.h for MOD54415?

Post by barttech »

Nope, I missed that one, thanks!
It looks like it will answer my questions.
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Re: Stopwatch.h for MOD54415?

Post by dciliske »

As the developer responsible for the port from Larry's original StopWatch library, I'll try to clarify a couple things.

First of all, my apologies for the typo in the header file when referring to HighResTimer.init(). There is a full set of documentation in the Runtime Library document, in section 22.

As for the issue with the constructor, this was a deliberate design choice. The HighResTimer acts as a user friendly interface onto the processor's DMA timers. With this in mind, it should be obvious that there is a finite supply of potential HighResTimers. Therefore, the class is designed to enforce safe utilization of the resources and deny unrestricted access to instantiation of timers. If you are familiar with design patterns, you will note that this is a Singleton class, with multiple instances.
Dan Ciliske
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Netburner, Inc
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Re: Stopwatch.h for MOD54415?

Post by barttech »

Thanks Dan,
Somehow I thought the HiRes timer was newly implemented for the MOD54415, so I didn't look in the Runtime Libraries docs. My bad.
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